AD-302 Car Driving DAE Chapter 6


Level of Skill in The Use of Driving Aids & Controls.

How to drive a manual car?

1.                Get in the car and put on your seatbelt

2.                  Put the key in the ignition and turn all the way until the engine starts

3.                  Put the clutch pedal down (this the pedal on the left)

4.                  Move the gear stick into first gear

5.                  Use your right foot to press down on the accelerator gently to increase the engine’s revs very slightly

6.                  Slowly lift the clutch pedal using your left foot until it starts to vibrate gently

7.                  This vibration is known as the car’s “bite point” - this is where the clutch plates start to come together.

8.                  Remove the handbrake and the car should start to move slowly

9.                  Increase the revs while slowly raising your foot off the clutch unit you are moving forward with only the use of the accelerator pedal

Remember - if you’re too quick lifting your foot off the clutch, or don’t give it enough revs, the car will stall: that’s where the engine cuts out and the red lights glow on the dashboard.

If you stall apply the brakes, turn the engine off, return the gear stick to neutral and begin the process again.


Proper use of clutch

Start the engine and when engine reached operating temp, pressed the clutch pedal fully with left foot. Changed the gear with the help of gear lever. Released the clutch lever gradually and pressed the accelerator pedal with right foot. There should be a sequence between pressing of accelerating and releasing of clutch pedal. If the clutch pedal is released fast or accelerator pedal is pressed more engine will not move smoothly.

Proper Use of Brakes

To stop the brake, brake pedal is depressed with right foot. Brake pedal is installed between clutch pedal and accelerator pedal

To stop the brake, brake pedal is depressed according to requirement. To stop the vehicle released the accelerator pedal and pressed the brake pedal gradually and when the vehicle speed decreased at the rate of 20km/ hour pressed the clutch pedal with left foot and applied brake fully to stop the vehicle.

Note do not abruptly pressed the brake pedal it will not only injured you and other passenger of vehicle but also damaged the vehicle parts

Parking Brake

When driving a car with a manual transmission, always activate the parking brake before you exit the car, as there’s no parking pawl here.

Regardless of the parking brake type, always make sure your foot is on the brake pedal when you manually release the brake pedal. With lever-type brakes, press the button and drop the lever down. With buttons, press the button. With switches, flip it in the instructed direction.

On certain modern cars with electronic parking brakes, they will automatically release if you are seated, buckled in, in Drive or Reverse, and hit the gas pedal.

When you put a car with an automatic transmission into park, a device called a parking pawl locks up the transmission so that the car cannot move. Technically, this is enough to keep your car in place, and we’d be lying if we said we always used a parking brake on automatic cars.

However, using the parking brake with automatic cars can protect the transmission. If you park the car with your foot on the brake, activate the parking brake, then set the transmission into park, the weight of the vehicle will be on your parking brake rather than the transmission. Some people say this is a priority, others are indifferent. As always, better safe than sorry.

Change Car Gears

Gears allow a car to be driven with the minimum strain on the engine. Modern cars usually have five forward and one reverse gear, although some cars now have a sixth forward which gives greater fuel economy when driving at higher speeds over longer distances.

To change gear in a car:

·         Release the accelerator pedal and at the same time press the clutch pedal down.

·         Remove your left hand from the steering wheel, cup it around the gear knob and move the lever gently but positively from one position to another.

·         Return your left hand to the steering wheel.

·         Release the clutch pedal slowly and simultaneously apply power by pressing down on the accelerator pedal.

·         Whilst changing gear you must always keep your eyes on the road. The sound of the engine can tell you when you need to change gear. As you accelerate the engine will come to sound whiny and take on a higher pitch. This is because the engine is reaching its limits for the gear you are in. When you hear this you should change up.


The low gears provide lots of acceleration but run out of steam before the vehicle is moving very quickly. The high gears provide the speed but not the acceleration.

For a smooth ride you should avoid "snatching" (changing gear with too much force). To make the gear change smoother, let the gearshift pause for a second as it crosses the neutral zone.

During driving follow the following rules

·         Choose the right gear for the speed you need to travel at, and for the road conditions you face.

·         Change gear smoothly, safely and under control.

·         Return your hand to the steering wheel once you have changed gear.

·         Don't look at the gear lever while changing gear.

·         Don't coast with the clutch pedal down or the gear lever in neutral.

Steering wheel

In order to be able to have control of the car, the driver must be sitting in the correct comfortable position in relation to his size.

  When turning, hand in the direction you are going should pull down; the other hand allowing the wheel to pass through it, if necessary, the other hand can help by pushing the wheel upward.

  When transferring from one lane to another, or when pulling in after overtaking, the turn should be gradual and never a sudden swerve which may result in skidding.

  A firm, not a tight, grip on the wheel is all that is needed. Never grip tightly on a greasy road.

  Do not move the wheel to and from while driving; a firm straight steer is better.

  Both elbows should be free from obstruction. Never rest eh left elbow on the window frame while driving.

  Never drive off without first having made sure that the seat, mirror, doors windows, etc., are properly adjusted.

Back view mirror

Mirrors allow you to observe what is happening around your car. They are your most important visual driving aid, and are vital for safe driving. Their purpose is to let you know what is happening behind, which is just as important as knowing what is happening in front. You must use your car mirrors frequently, and respond safely to what you see in them.

Mirrors should be used regularly and must be aware of the presence of others in there blind spots. always use of mirrors before signaling, changing direction, changing speed and as part of the mirror man oeuvre routine.

When using your mirrors, do not take your eyes off the road in front for any length of time. A quick glance should be sufficient, if it is not, then a series of short glances is preferred to taking your eyes off the road ahead.

The faster you are travelling the earlier and more frequent your mirror checks need to be.

If you have to speed up, slow down, change direction, turn, indicate or stop, or if you are approaching any hazard that may cause you to do of these, you must check your mirrors.

The inside mirror

Adjust the inside mirror so you can see the entire rear window from the driver’s seat. You should have to move only your eyes, not your head, when using this mirror.

Side-view mirrors

To adjust the driver’s side-view mirror, place your head against the left side window and set the mirror so you can just barely see the side of the car in the mirror’s right side.

To adjust the passenger’s side-view mirror, position your head so that it is just above the center console. Set the mirror so you can just barely see the side of the car in the left side of the mirror. If the vehicle is not equipped with remove mirror-adjustment controls, you may need assistance when properly positioning this mirror. Before driving with these updated mirror settings, see how they work while your vehicle is parked

When should drivers use their turn signals?

Your signal lets other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians know your intentions. You must give a proper turn signal at least 100 meter before turning or changing lanes.

Using Turn Signals

·         Signal early. Signal well before you turn.

·         Signal continuously. You need both hands on the wheel to turn safely.

·         Do not forget to turn off your turn signal after you have turned (if you do not have self cancelling signals).

·         Use your turn signal when changing lanes. Change lanes slowly and smoothly.

Seat Height

Adjust the seat height up until your hips are at least as high as your knees. Make sure you can still see the road and the instruments. Make sure you are not so high so that you have to bend your head down or to the side in order to see.

If you are still too low after adjusting to the maximum height, try adding a cushion or wedge to the seat. Cushions also decrease vibrations from the road which have been shown to contribute to injuries.

Seat Position

Next adjust the seat forwards so you can reach and completely depress all the foot pedals without your back moving away from the back of the seat. Make sure you have a small bend in your knees of at least 20-30 degrees- having your knees too straight can cause knee pain.

Maintaining a fit and healthy workforce

Your feet should be relaxed with your heels on the floor and the balls of the feet able to press the pedals. The right foot should be able to move easily between the accelerator and brake pedal when the heel is placed roughly in front of the brake pedal.

The left foot should be resting on the footrest whenever you are not using the clutch, as this increases support to both the pelvis and back. In this respect, automatic cars have an inherent advantage over manual cars.

What is a car horn used for?

A horn is a sound-making device that can be equipped to motor vehicles, buses, bicycles, trains, trams (otherwise known as streetcars in North America), and other types of vehicles............... The

driver uses the horn to warn others of the vehicle's approach or presence, or to call attention to some hazard.

The Horn

Use only while your vehicle is moving and you need to warn other road users of your presence. Never sound your horn aggressively. You must not use your horn:

while stationary on the road

when driving in a built-up area between the hours of 11.30 pm and 7.00 am, except when another road user poses a danger

Steering while in reverse gear

Once you have the vehicle in reverse gear, it is time to drive backwards. At this point, you can turn around and release the brake slowly. In addition, you want to avoid going too fast, so do not press the gas pedal unless you need to. Focus on where you are going and use the brake to slow your progress if you start going too fast.

Step 1: Look around. Make sure the area around your vehicle is clear of pedestrians or other moving vehicles. This requires you to scan the area all around your vehicle.

Turn to the right and look outside the driver's side window, even looking over your right shoulder if needed. Continue to scan the area until you are looking over your left shoulder.

Once you are sure the area is clear, you can proceed.

Step 2: Look over your right shoulder. Keep your left hand on the middle of the steering wheel while while placing your right hand on the back of the passenger's seat, and look over your right shoulder.

If needed, you can apply the brake at any time during the reversing process and scan the area for foot or vehicle traffic again to make sure no one is coming.

Step 3: Steer the vehicle. Using your left hand only, steer the vehicle while you drive in reverse. Keep in mind that when driving in reverse, turning the steering wheel turns your vehicle in the opposite direction as it does when driving forward.

If you turn the front wheels to the right, the back of the vehicle turns left. The same goes for turning right while backing, which requires you to turn the steering wheel to the left.

Do not make any drastic turns while driving in reverse. Incremental moves of the steering wheel allow you to correct your course more easily than sharp turns. Use the brake as needed and avoid giving too much, if any, gas.

You can also turn and look over your left shoulder if needed. This allows you to get a better view when turning to the right. Just make sure to also look in the opposite direction to make sure nothing is coming.

Step 3: Stop the vehicle. Once you have reached your desired position, it is time to stop the vehicle. This simply requires you to use the brake. Once the vehicle is stopped, you can either put it in park, or into drive if you need to drive forward.

Driving in reverse gear is simple when you follow the steps provided above. As long as you maintain control of your vehicle and drive slowly, you should have no problem backing up your vehicle to where you need to park or stop. Ensure that your mirrors and brakes work properly by having one of the expert mechanics at Your Mechanic perform a 75-point safety inspection on your vehicle.
